
The 国外正规买球app官方版下载 网络安全中心 has been established to promote cyber-awareness to meet 对训练有素的网络安全人员的需求日益增长. 通过指导的努力 at becoming a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education, 中冶网络安全中心的目标如下:

  1. Be a resource to promote (CAE-CD) programs, news, events and security awareness broadly.
  2. Provide high quality and rigorous (CAE-CD) programs designed to meet 的 needs of 公共和私营部门的雇主.
  3. Provide affordable and flexible (CAE-CD) education and training options that help promote student achievement, retention, completion and placement.
  4. Provide innovative, comprehensive and interdisciplinary education and training in (CAE-CD)字段.
  5. Continuously develop working 关系hip models for K-12 schools to engage students 在很小的时候就进入(CAE-CD)研究领域. 发展和保持发音 与CAE框架内的四年制院校合作.
  6. Continuously improve 的 quality of (CAE-CD) programs, curricula, faculty, students and sponsored 关系hips with industry and community partners.

Provide leadership and obtain sponsored research funding from both 的 National Science Foundation and 国家安全局 in support of our CAE-CD efforts. 


Students wishing to pursue careers in cybersecurity can choose from 的 following 学习路径. For additional information, we encourage you to speak with an 学术顾问 参加网络安全信息会议.



The 国家安全局 and 的 国土安全部 have designated 都会社区学院 Kansas City as a National Center of Academic Excellence 在网络防御(CAE-CD),到2023年.

国土安全部密封 国家安全局



教师 and students of 的 program are always looking for ways to build community 关系. Most recently, Englewood Arts Center, in western Independence, MO requested 国外正规买球app官方版下载-Blue河’s expertise to help confront cyber security risks threatening community 空间.  

Professor 布莱恩·赫尔利 and his students recently spent 的 afternoon in 的 arts center creating sustainable solutions to prevent Englewood Arts Center from being subject to a cyber-attack or accidentally sharing valuable customer and donor information.

They also created a plan of action for new hardware and software that could be added 在未来. 国外正规买球app官方版下载-Blue河 is grateful to partner with 的 Englewood Arts Center and will continue to support opportunities for community involvement and learning.



The Secure Systems Administration and Engineering (Cybersecurity) program relies on high quality faculty for teaching and learning activities, maintaining curriculum, 评估,学生发展和项目管理.

The faculty comes with years of industry experience, and many are still working in industry through full time, part time, or in consulting roles. 项目师资队伍 advanced degrees in information technology, cybersecurity, computer science, business, 以及其他相关领域.

Certifications held by program faculty include those from ISC2, CompTIA, Cisco, SANS, 还有其他供应商.

Funding by 的 college, as well as through various grants, provides various opportunities 为教师从事持续的专业发展.

The lead full-time faculty and program coordinator for 的 Secure Systems Administration and Engineering (Cybersecurity) program is 布莱恩·赫尔利, CISSP. 布莱恩有20多个 years of experience in 的 industry and holds a variety of certifications. 他的本科 获得信息系统管理学位. 他的硕士学位是信息学 Security, and he has completed doctoral work in information technology and security 治理.


The Secure Systems Administration and Engineering (Cybersecurity) program relies on 来自各种利益相关者的宝贵意见.

Each year, an advisory board convenes to discuss 的 current state of 的 program, accomplishments, industry trends, and opportunities for improvement. 咨询委员会 委员会成员由下列团体的持份者组成:

  • 来自不同行业和工作角色的从业者
  • 来自四年制转学学校的教师和领导
  • 教师 and leadership from area high schools and career and tech centers
  • 项目校友和在校生
  • 社区成员
  • 国外正规买球app官方版下载的教师和领导